Monday, August 30, 2010

Spinach and Litterbugs

We'll start on a positive note: food. I love buying my own food. Seems simple enough, right? But you don't realize how much freedom grocery shopping allows until someone else fills the cabinet with butt busting yummies. Since I have been in my new apartment I have lost ten pounds.

As my collegiate budget permits I am buying organic and all natural. My eggs are cage free, my spinach liberated of plastic wrappings and I eat soy milk with my cereal. Hurray! I am proud to say I have even started reading vegetarian cookbooks. I vow to give some recipes a try, as terrifying as the results may be.

Another uplifting aspect of my new life is school transportation. I have two excellent sources of such... my legs! I live amazingly close to school and the walks have been terrific. I am also on the bus route and public transportation also suites my fancy for days of extreme weather.

Now for some negative updates... I hate litter. So that's not news, I know I know but just yesterday while driving home, my boyfriend and I had to pull over on the highway. A sheet of industrial plastic, LITTER, had wrapped itself around my tire. Not only was this inconvenient, it was incredibly dangerous. More than 50% of litter comes from motorists and yet roadways are the worst place to dispose of your unwanted items.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There is no place like home...

Okay okay so here's the scoop on my moving in experience. As previously stated I was trying to decide whether to buy a new or used couch. Well I ultimately decided to buy a new couch from Value City. Number one to avoid bed bugs and number two because it was cheaper than some of the used couches I found on Craig's List. I also checked Snooty Fox Furniture Den, which was a neat store.

Although, I redeemed myself! I purchased a used bed from my boyfriend's mother and my Mom brought my childhood twin bed for the guest bedroom. Grandma bought my silverware from Goodwill and gave me an old cafe table and chairs. Yay for old stuff (and no I am not talking about my Grandma)!

If you are ever in the neighborhood for furniture, check with friends and family. You are likely to get a cheaper price and you are recycling.

Now, cleaning products. I am happy to say I bought all green cleaning products:

August Eco-Article

Check it out here:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Furniture Frenzy and Recycling Mayhem

I am in the market for some furniture. I need everything: a mattress, couch, coffee table, entertainment center and probably more.

Now my biggest worries are whether I should succumb to my love for IKEA furniture or brave the bed bugs from used furniture. Talk about moral turmoil! I am currently checking Craigslist, like a good environmentalist.

Research suggests that I should look for the FSC logo - Forest Stewardship Council. IKEA carries some products with the logo.

Next step is Florence Antique Mall, yard sales perhaps a few secondhand furniture stores.

Other than that, I have been looking into recycling at my apartment complex. They do not YET offer curbside. Although, I have tracked down a public recycling bin close-by.

Shew. I'm already worn out from getting this place put together for myself.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Self-sustaining Individual

I am starting an adventure. Moving into my first apartment is going to test me.


I feel like this gives me the perfect opportunity for a blog series. For the next few months I will document my trials as a young person starting a new life. Developing my very own environmentally sound practices at home, school and while out and about.

I'll keep you posted ;)